Corporate governance

Nordic Plast sustainability strategy, fueled by the principle of finding value in everything, integrates environmental, social responsibility, and corporate governance into all stages of the value chain.

Corporate governance

Fairness and equality in every step of the business.

Our business is based on our integrity and ethical principles to ensure the highest standards of integrity and fairness throughout the company and our value chain and moving forward in meeting social needs for sustainable growth and leadership.


Code of Ethics

Business Partner Code of Conduct

Risk management policy

Short-term targets (2023-2024)

  • “Zero-incidents” with legal incompliance and financial penalties
  • Customer Satisfaction score > 7,5 on scale of 1-10 points
  • Organize quarterly cross boarder legislative update brunch
  • Attain the goal of “Zero- incidents” with legal incompliance and financial penalties.

Medium-term targets (2025)

  •  Customer Satisfaction score > 8,0 on scale of 1-10 points
  • Leading plastics recycling in core markets
  • >90% of employees renumeration is set according to median level of the market
  • Develop partnerships with external associations and organizations in worldwide markets

Long-term goals (2030-2050)

Towards a Circular Economy by :

  • developing partnerships with external associations and organizations in worldwide markets
  • becoming a circular economy thought leader
  • innovating sustainable products serving customers’ needs
  • diverting plastic waste from the environment